czwartek, 26 kwietnia 2012



Boring: sleep
  • Sleeping Beauty slept in her forest castle.
Interesting: slumber 
  • Sleeping Beauty slumbered in her forest castle.
  • Slumber in a song:

Banish boring phrases:

Boring: sleep well
  • slept well last night.
Interesting: sleep soundly; to sleep like a log/top/baby
  • slept soundly last night.
  • I slept like a log last night.
Boring: sleep badly; can't sleep
  • We both slept badly last night.
  • We both couldn't sleep last night. 
Interesting: not sleep a wink; sleep fitfully
  • We both didn't sleep a wink last night.
  • We both slept fitfully last night.
Boring: go to bed
  • I think I'll go to bed early tonight.
Intersting: turn in
  • I think I'll turn in early tonight.
Boring: think it over
  • Why don't you think it over and give me your answer tomorrow.
Interesting: sleep on it
  • Why don't you sleep on it and give me your answer tomorrow.

Boring: sleep late

  • I usually sleep late on Sundays.
Interesting: sleep in

  • I usually sleep in on Sundays.

Boring: Good night. Sleep well.
Interesting: Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.

Other interesting phrases:

  1. dream on; keep dreaming! = chyba śnisz
  2. take/have a nap/catnap; doze; snooze = zdrzemnąć się
    • I usually take a nap after lunch.
    • My dad was dozing/snoozing in his armchair.
  3. doze/drop/nod off = przysnąć
    • I must have dozed off. 
  4. crash out = paść (zasnąć ze zmęczenia)
    • What were you saying before I crashed out?
  5. oversleep = zaspać
    • Sorry I'm late. I overslept.
  6. sleep = ropa w oczach
    • She rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
  7. put an animal to sleep = uśpić zwierzę
  8. snore = chrapać
  9. sleepwalk = lunatykować
  10. talk in your sleep = mówić przez sen
  11. light/deep sleep = płytki/głęboki sen
    • I fell into a deep sleep.
  12. light/heavy sleeper = osoba o płytkim/głębokim śnie
    • She is quite a heavy sleeper.
  13. lose sleep over something = przejmować/zamartiwać się
    • If I were you, I wouldn't lose sleep over it.

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